Friday, July 25, 2014

My journey to Heaven on earth (in pictures)

Here are some pictures from the Holy shrine of Imam Reza (as) which i took during my visit in 2012 in the month of Ramadan ul Murbarik!

May we all get the opportunity to be near Imam Reza (as) physically and spiritually , in this world and hereafter as well!

It is said that as soon as you look this dome for the first time, first three wishes asked are always granted! 

First ray of sun pays tribute to Shams-Us-Shamoos (شمس الشموس) 

His famous title was "Reza" meaning satisfaction, According to his son, Imam Muhammad Taqi (as), the ninth Imam, The glorious and mighty Lord named him Reza because Allah was pleased with him in the heavens and the Prophet of Allah and the Imams of guidance were pleased with him on earth. Also, his friends and relatives and even his enemies were satisfied with him because of his great moral qualities.

Ya Imam Reza (as) you pleased everyone during your physical life and now your shrine continue to quench the thirst of every soul and heal the pains of every being!

The famous place in shifa courtyard where many people have been cured indeed Mashhad is "land of Miracles"

Moon as it is seen from the shrine of Imam Reza (as) yes! it asks to borrow the light from the light of Allah

The honorable servants of Holy shrine going to perform the most blessed duty! something which everyone envy

Many different places to allow you perfect environment to reconnect with your Lord 

I saw many people kissing these doors of courtyard! every thing associated with the beloved is loved!

It is no exaggeration in saying that the water here has a special taste too!

Servants of shrine in their particular dress and a fluffy stick present 24 hours to help and guide the pilgrims. Whenever they enter inside ladies section for cleaning they would call "Ya Allah" in a loud voice as an announcement 

Shrine of Imam Reza (as) is indeed a masterpiece of Persian architecture

Azadi courtyard 

Enghlab-e-Islami courtyard

The Quran Museum 

The handwritten copy of the Holy Qur'an attributed to be calligraphed by Imam Reza (as)

Resting place of Shaykh Tabarsi (author of Majma al-Biyan, exegesis of Holy Quran) 

Resting place of Shaykh Hur Al-Amili (author of famous hadith book Wasaail-al-Shia)
Those who know your status never want to leave you Ya Imam Reza (as)!

Holy shrine decorated on the eve of Eid

A hall in Ghadir courtyard where after sermon and Fajr prayers flowers are distributed among the pilgrims of Imam Reza (as). These flowers are collected  from the top of the Zarih of Imam Reza (as). 

Atmosphere during recitation of Eid-ul-Fitr (2012) sermon at Ghadir courtyard

Goharshad mosque, it is situated adjacent to the Holy shrine of Imam Reza (as). Atmosphere is particularly magnificent during Ramadan because huge number of scholars, religious students and general public sit for aitekaf inside this mosque.

Sahib Al-Zaman (atfs) pulpit, made of walnut wood and no iron or nails have been used in this tall pulpit, nobody is allowed to sit here except Imam-e-Zaman (atfs)

I was suffering from fever when I visited this place, after offering two rakat prayer here I felt relieved!
Realizing to be in a place where one day Imam of time will sit is a relief itself!

model as spotted in the museum of Astan-e-Quds-e-Razavi

Gate of central library of Astan-e-Quds-e-Razavi 

Entrance of  central library of Astan-e-Quds-e-Razavi

Many exhibitions of books are arranged particularly during Ramadan in central library of Astan-e-Quds-e-Razavi

This door leads to heaven!

This sight has the ability to detach you from this world! when you realize you have reached near your Imam everything else is insignificant!


  1. Very nice.. I hope we all get to have such a spiritual journey

  2. worth sharing ... nice description of journey... jizakAllah :)

  3. Beautifull . Is it true That all your wishes come true? And you cry and feel happiness and inner peace in soul?

  4. Yes! It is absolutely true. You have to experience it .. words cannot describe it!


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