Friday, October 25, 2019

انتظارِ عشق

عشق کے مراحل سے اتصال باقی ہے
گو کہ سانس آتا ہے پر کمال باقی ہے

سوچتی ہوں میں اکثر آپکی زیارت ہو
خواب وہ نہیں آیا وہ خیال باقی ہے

پانی ہی نکلتا ہے کب لہو نے بہنا ہے
مولا جو نہیں دکھتے اورِ وصال باقی ہے

بعدِ موسمِ پت جھڑ یہ جو گل مہکتے ہیں
مہدیِ حسنؑ تیرا جو جمال باقی ہے

دینِ حق کے پیروکار کس لیے ہو گھبراتے
دین ہو گا حاوی اس کا کمال باقی ہے

ظالموں نے دیکھو یاں کیا کیا ستم ڈھائے
عسکریؑ تو زندہ ہیں ان کی آل باقی ہے

ان کے قدموں میں گر کر خوب روئے گی زہرا
اذن دیجیے مولاؑ اک سوال باقی ہے
التماسِ دعا: زہرا کاظمی

بحضور قائمؑ آلِ محمد

آفت کی گھڑی میں بس قائمؑ کو پکارا ہے
مشکل کشا کا بیٹا مشکل میں سہارا ہے

دریا میں تلاطم ہے امداد کو اب آئو
کب تیرے بنا مولاؑ کشتی کو کنارا ہے

حیدرؑ کا پسر ہے وہ تیار رہے ظالم
ہر دور کے حیدرؑ نے مرحب تجھے مارا ہے

حق آتا ہے باطل کو ہر جا سے مٹانے کو
غیبت میں ہدایت نے لاکھوں کو سنوارا ہے

سرکارؑ کٰی آمد پے ہو گا سماں کچھ ایسا
باغِ جناں میں جیسے ہر شے کو نکھارا ہے

ہر لمحہ مجھے ہو گی قائمؑ کی زیارت جو
اس لمحے میں زندہ ہوں کیا خوب نظارہ ہے

محنت سے ریاضت سے ہوتی ہے کہاں حاصل
روحوں پہ محبت کو اللہ نے اتارا ہے

نصرت کی جو ہے خواہش یہ جذبہ رہے دل میں
کچھ میرا نہیں مولا ؑسب کچھ ہی تمھارا ہے

یہ صدقہِ قائمؑ ہے جو چلتی ہیں یہ سانسیں
کب انکے بنا لوگو! زہرا کا گزارا ہے

التماسِ دعا: زہرا کاظمی 

Friday, August 16, 2019

تفاسیر قرآن

تفسیر نمونہ
(آیت اللہ ناصر مکارم شیرازی)

 آنلائن پڑھنے کے لیے لنک:

آیتہ اللہ ناصر مکارم شیرازی کی آفیشل  ویب سائٹ سے پڑھنے کے لیے لنک:

پی ڈی ایف ڈاونلوڈ کرنے کے لیے لنک:

ٹیکسٹ میں پڑھنے اور ڈاونلوڈ کرنے کے لیے لنک:

تفسیر الکوثر
شیخ محسن علی نجفی

بلاغ القرآن

قرآن حکیم کا ترجمہ اور مختصر حواشی۔ اآخری حصے میں مفصل مقدمۂ قرآن بھی موجود ہے۔
شیخ محسن علی نجفی

پی ڈی ایف:

البیان فی تفسیر القرآن

مؤلف: آیت اللہ العظمی سید ابوالقاسم الخوئی رح

قرآن کا دائمی منشور (تفسیر موضوعی)
آیت اللہ جعفر سبحانی

تفسیر راہنما
آیت اللہ ہاشمی رفسنجانی

تفسیر المیزان
آیت اللہ محمد حسین طباطبائی

تفسیر صافی
ملا فیض کاشانی

تفسیر نور الثقلین
شیخ عبد علی بن جمعہ

Tafasir in English
Al-Bayan fi Tafsir al-Qur’an, The Prolegomena to the Qur’an

Ayatullah Sayyid Abulqasim al-Khui


Tafsir Al-Mizan
Allamah Muhammad Hussein Tabatabai

Quran Translation and Commentary

Commentaries by Ayatullah Jafar Subhani

Saturday, August 10, 2019

عشاقِ کعبہ

تیرہ رجب کو بنتِ اسد آئی تھی جہاں

شیرِ خدا کی جائے ولادت ہے وہ مکاں

غیرت نبی کے امتی تیری گئی کہاں

ابنِ علی کو تم نے نہ رہنے دیا وہاں

عاشق خدا کے گھر کے اگر لوٹ جائیں گے

پھر کربلا کو عرشِ معلی بنائیں گے

زہرا کاظمی

Image result for imam hussain returning from kaaba

Image result for crowd at arbaeen

Sunday, July 14, 2019

اہلِ سخن کے نام

نسلوں میں قائم (عج) کے ناصر آئیں
یوں سیرت حیدر (ع) تو 
!سنائو لوگو
آگہی دے کوئی
 پھر اشعار سے

سبطِ جعفرکا خلا یوں پر کرے

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

!!امامؑ سے لو لگائے رکھنا

غیبت کے دور میں جبکہ ہم امام سے بظاہر دوری کی زندگی بسر کر رہے ہیں۔ گو کہ امامؑ ہمارے درمیان ہیں مگر ہم انہیں دیکھ نہیں سکتے، وہ ہمیں سنتے ہیں مگر ہم انہیں نہیں سن سکتے، ہم انکی زیارت سے محروم ہیں۔ اس یتیمی کے دور میں جبکہ ہم اپنے امام ولد الشفیق سے دور ہیں ، جبکہ یہ دوری ہی ہمارے لیے بھت بڑا اور کڑا امتحان ہے، مگر اس پرآشوب دور میں اپنے ایمان کی حفاظت بھی انتہائی ضروری ہے۔ کیونکہ روز بروز نئے فتنے ابھرتے ہیں۔ مومن مرتد مسلمان   مشرک  ہوئے جاتے ہیں۔ یاد امام عالی مقام ایک ایسی سپر ہے جو یقینا ان فتنوں سے بچنے میں انتہائی مضبوط پناہ گاہ ہے۔ یہ یاد اور اس سے مسلسل منسلک رہنا تاریکیوں میں اجالے کا کام کرتا ہے۔ یاد امامؑ نہ صرف ایک منتظر کو ہر قسم کے  ماحول میں مسلسل عمل کی ترغیب دیتی ہے بلکہ حالات کتنے ہی خراب کیوں نہ ہوں منتظر کا حوصلہ پست نہیں ہونے دیتی۔
ایک منتظر پیغمر اسلام اور آئمہ کے اقوال جو امام مھدیؑ کے بارے میں ہیں ان سے اپنے ایمان میں اضافہ کرتے ہوئے امام کے ظہور  اور بعد از ظہور کے حالات کو اپنے دل کی آنکھ سے دیکھتا اور اپنی روح سے اسے محسوس کرتا ہے ۔ وعدہ الہی کا یقین اسکے جسم و روح کو سرشار کیے رکھتا ہے اور گویا وہ منظر اسکی آنکھوں میں سما جاتا ہے اور یہ یاد نہ اسے کبھی مایوس ہونے دیتی ہے اور نہ متزلزل۔ 
یاد امام حق کے راستے پر ثابت قدمی عطا کرتی ہے۔ اس یاد کے ہوتے ہوئے نہ تو راستے کی تکلیفیں دوشوار لگتی ہیں اور نہ ساتھیوں کی کمی۔ اگر لوگ ساتھ چھوڑ بھی جائیں تو منتظر کے پاس یاد امام کا ایک ایسا قیمتی، انمول اور بے پایاں سرمایہ ہے جو بیکراں اور لامتناہی ہے اور کیوں نہ ہو یہ یاد اس ہستی سے منصوب ہے جسکا انتظار انبیاء نے کیا ۔ آئمہ نے کیا۔ وہ  ہستی جو کائینات کے باقی ہونے اور  زمین اور آسمان کے پیوست رہنے کا وسیلہ ہیں ۔ جو ہدایت کے مینار ہیں ، جو ہر مومن و مومنہ کی تمنا ہیں ، جو بارش کے برسنے ، پھولوں کے کھلنے ، پرندوں کے چہیچہانے اور ہماری سانسوں کے چلنے کا سبب ہیں۔ 

  ارض و سماں کا وسیلہ وہی ہیں

 قائم (ع) کا صدقہ دیا کیجیے

Sunday, June 23, 2019

سیرت معصومینؑ پر اہم کتب

تذکرۃ اطہار
مصنف: شیخ مفید

احسن المقال
 مصنف: شیخ عباس قمی 

سیرت آل محمد
مصنف: شہید مرتضی مطہری

آئمہ اہلبیتؑ کی فکری اور سیاسی زندگی
مصنف: رسول جعفریان

 ڈھائی سو سالہ انسان
(مکمل کتاب)
مصنف: آیتہ اللہ سید علی الحسینی الخامنہ ای

سیرت نبوی
مصنف: آیتہ اللہ سید علی الحسینی الخامنہ ای

رسول اکرم ص کی سوانح حیات
مصنف: آیتہ اللہ ناصر مکارم شیرازی

الصحیح من سیرت النبی
مصنف: سید جعفر مرتضی عاملی

شخصیت امیر الومنینؑ
مصنف: آیتہ اللہ سید علی الحسینی الخامنہ ای

فاطمہ زہرا اسلام کی مثالی خاتون
مصنف: آیتہ اللہ ابراہیم امینی

  امام زین العابدینؑ کی زندگی ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ
مصنف: آیتہ اللہ سید علی الحسینی الخامنہ ای

نوید امن و امان
مصنف: آیتہ اللہ صافی گلپائیگانی

تصور مہدیؑ
مصنف: شہید باقر الصدر

انتظار اور مہدویت
مصنف: شہید مطہری

آفتاب عدالت
مصنف: آیتہ اللہ ابراہیم امینی

فلسفہ انتظار
مصنف: آیتہ اللہ ناصر مکارم شیرازی 

If any of the link does not work anymore then you can contact me to get the PDF of these books, comment below the name of book you need and your email address.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Research paper for Imam Mahdi (atfs) conference

Article’s Name: Ground-setting education:  Strategies and   Approaches
Author’s Name: Zehra Kazmi

Firstly meaning of Ground-setting with respect to the words of Ayatollah Ibrahim Ameeni is discussed. Then what could be included in ground setting education is described, which encompasses knowing the Imam of time and comprehending his mission and understanding the limitless horizons of His Divine mission. In ground-setting education justice remains to be the focal point. Understanding that Islam is the ultimate success is the body and soul of ground-setting education. Different approaches (i.e., extensive research, logical understanding, specialization, defense of Islam, applied knowledge, interfaith harmony, spirituality, jurisprudence and political awakening,) for ground-setting education in universities and seminaries are discussed. For ground-setting educational approaches in schools simplified strategy, attractive content and instilling Imam’s love is discussed. Distant learning, resource development, religious channels, social media, and coordination between media resources, extensive translation and feedback strategy are the key approaches described under the umbrella of ground-setting educational strategies and training in media. In the end few poetic lines about Imam of the time are presented. 

          Ground-setting education:
         Strategies and   Approaches
What is actually ground setting for the Imam of Time?
This is the most important question which needs to be addressed before going in to any discussion regarding the ground setting education or strategies and approaches for ground setting education. First of all we need to clear what do we mean by ground setting?

Ayatollah Ibrahim Ameeni has described very eloquently in his famous book “Just Leader of Humanity” 
When asked, what are the Muslims supposed to do during the period of occultation? In other words, what are their obligations during this period? The answer was
Our scholars have identified and written in their books certain things Muslims ought to do during the occultation: to pray for the twelfth Imam; to do charitable works for him; to perform hajj and to appoint someone to do that on his behalf; to seek his help and assistance in times of difficulty, and so on. There is no doubt that all these suggestions are praiseworthy and there is no need to enter into any discussion about them. However, the most important obligation mentioned in the sources and that which needs further elaboration is awaiting deliverance through him (intizar faraj). To some extent, this obligation has been neglected and no detailed discussion about it has been undertaken. There are many traditions from the Imams, both recommending the awaiting and enumerating its merits and excellences, during the occultation. Let us cite some examples:
Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) says:
Anyone who dies with the love (wilayat) of the ahl al-bayt while awaiting deliverance [through the appearance of the Qa'im], resembles the one who will be in the Qa'im's tent.
Imam 'Ali Ridha (peace be upon him) reporting from his forefathers and from the Prophet relates the hadith from the latter, who said: 'The best deed of my community is to await for the deliverance.
Imam 'Ali b. Abi Talib (peace be upon him) says:
Anyone who awaits our government resembles the one who, in the way of God, has rolled in his own blood.
In another tradition Imam Ridha (as) praises the one who awaits the deliverance, and says: How praiseworthy are patience and awaiting for deliverance! Have you not heard that God says in the Qur'an: "You await, and We too are awaiting?" So be patient because deliverance will come after despair. Those who were before you were even more patient than you.
There are numerous traditions on a similar theme. The Imams always used to advise their followers to await deliverance. They reminded them that the mere act of awaiting for deliverance is a kind of emancipation. The one who awaits is like the one who fights against the disbelievers on the battlefield and has rolled in his own blood. As such, there is no doubt that the weightiest obligation for Muslims during the occultation is to anticipate deliverance.
Let us now consider the meaning of this awaiting or anticipating deliverance. How can a person who anticipates deliverance acquire the greatest reward that accrues to the one who does good? Is it sufficient for the one awaiting the deliverance to materialize to just say with their tongue that they are awaiting the appearance of the Imam of the Age? Or, perhaps, from time to time, he should cry out and pray: "O God, send the deliverance through the Imam of the Age!" Or, after the daily prayers or in the holy shrines he should beseech God to hasten the deliverance! Or, following the blessing on the Prophet and his family he should add: allahumma 'ajjil farajahu-shsharif, meaning, "O God, hasten the deliverance through this noble [Imam]!" Or, maybe he should read the special prayer of nudba (lamentation) on Friday mornings with a loud lament and sob.
All these recommendations are in their own place fitting. However, I do not think that by merely saying these things a person can attain the true benefit of awaiting the deliverance, whose excellences are enumerated in several traditions on the subject. Especially the comparison of the one awaiting the deliverance with the one dying on the battlefield fighting against the enemy of God, as related in one of the hadith above, cannot be just an exaggeration, since it is coming from the Imam to whom no false statement can be ascribed.
Imagine a person or persons who escape from every kind of social responsibility, from the moral responsibility of commanding the good and forbidding the evil, from taking a stance against corrupt and sinful behavior, from doing anything to stop injustices, by simply saying: 'O God, let the deliverance through the Imam of the Age be imminent so that he can prevent this corrupt behavior!' Can your conscience accept that this person's status is comparable to the status of the one who is killed defending his religion? Can he be equal to the one who has sacrificed all his wealth, his family, and his comfort and security in the way of God and attained the status of a martyr?
To be sure, there is a deeper meaning and significance to the act of awaiting the appearance of the Imam. In order to understand that let me preface the discussion with two general observations:
In the light of the traditions dealing with the function of the Mahdi, it is possible to suggest that the program that the Imam intends to implement is ideal, comprehensive and, of course, difficult. It has as its target the reform of the entire world, the defeat of the forces of tyranny and wickedness in their entirety, the raising of Islam as the official religion of all the inhabitants of this world, the removal of prejudices and wrong attitudes from the minds of the people so that they can all live in peace and harmony under the government of God. In addition, the Mahdi's revolution aspires to found a global community under one God, one religion, and one ideal system of law, and to bring all other communities under the united flag of Islam.
Obviously, such a goal is not easy to accomplish. This program is practicable only when the human mind is prepared to accept those goals and to go beyond the narrow confines of materialistic ideologies to realize the value of God's guidance for humanity. The need for the revolution and the desire to promulgate the divine blueprint for an ideal human society have to come from the people who have actively participated in preparing the way for the twelfth Imam to launch his program for the new world order.
My own understanding, which is based on the traditions from the ahl al-bayt, indicates that the most important duty of the Muslims during this period when the twelfth Imam lives a life of invisible existence (ghayba) is, first of all, to work diligently at reforming ourselves from within and with all the necessary seriousness. Muslims should adorn themselves with Islamic virtues, perform all the duties that are made obligatory on them, and apply the directives provided by the Qur'an in their daily lives. Second, they should extract the social teachings of Islam from the teachings of the Qur'an, the Prophet and the ahl al-bayt, in order to execute those perfectly in their societies. By implementing the Islamic economic programs they should resolve their economic problems and fight against poverty, unemployment, and concentration of illicit wealth. By adopting the divinely ordained laws they should rid themselves of injustices and corruption. In short, they should commit themselves to set in motion the realization of an Islamic political, social, economic, and legal system, and present this to the world as a viable alternative.

 More importantly, Muslims should learn modern sciences with extreme seriousness in order to not only benefit themselves but also other societies around the world. They should, in fact, seek to be the leaders in all fields of human knowledge. Through their own religious and scientific progress they should demonstrate to the entire world that Islamic laws and ethics can serve as the ideal global system that strikes the balance between this and the next world. Moreover, by combining the concerns of a complete legal codex with the spiritual and moral concerns of the Islamic system, Muslims can become the source of emulation for a humane political, social and economic system.
In other words, Muslims have the obligation of excelling in every possible field related to the betterment of human society in order to provide each discipline with the moral and spiritual dimensions that Islam seeks from its followers. It is only then that they can expect to lead and to establish an ideal Islamic system under the leadership of the Mahdi. Those who are engaged in these endeavors to make the revolution of the Mahdi possible and successful are the ones who are truly awaiting for deliverance through the appearance of the twelfth Imam (peace be upon him). These hard-working, self-sacrificing individuals are the soldiers of the twelfth Imam and can be compared with those who are actually on the field of battle fighting the forces of evil and wickedness.
As for those people who expect their problems to be solved by the political, social, and economic system created by those who have no commitment to the faith or to its moral and spiritual components, have so far created systems which give rise to inequalities, immoderation in spending, injustices in distribution of resources, and the many other evils with which humanity is confounded today. The situation is so desperate that it is hard to imagine the level of exploitation, corruption, and conflict that is generated by the new wealth and power, the byproducts of scientific and technological advancements. The rich countries intend to dominate; the poor countries have shamelessly submitted to the overbearing compromises negotiated by their own rulers, the majority of whom are corrupt and morally bankrupt. In order to remain in power, they have sold out their own peoples and countries to their powerful masters, who make for them their decisions through a remote control of providing destructive military hardware for use against their own citizens. Now, individual Muslims who sit around and do not even think about these matters that face their fellow Muslims cannot be said to anticipate the appearance of the twelfth Imam. These people do not have the necessary preparation to institute Islamic world government, even if they repeat a hundred times: allahumma 'ajjil farajahu-shsharif, meaning, "O God, hasten the deliverance through this noble [Imam]!" [1]
From the words of Ayatollah Ibrahim Ameeni it can be inferred that the ground setting is not an easy task. It encompasses from self to society, from individual to national rather international level. It requires the implementation of Islamic values from family level to government level. Under the shade of divine message we need to develop such economic and political system which is practically applicable to every individual living in any part of the world. Above all an Islamic civilization and culture is developed which people accept by wisdom and realize the benefits of such civilization and consequently adopt them. 
What is included in ground setting education? 
Knowing the Imam of Time and comprehending his Mission
The program of Hazrat Mahdi (atfs) would be to establish a universal rule in the world such that the level of people’s culture is raised and consequently they are invited towards social justice. He would uproot poverty and indigence that are the sources of ethical deviations. He would put an end to the ruffians in the human societies and remove the oppressors from the arena. Secondly his name is the same as the prophet’s name and this similarity in name is a delicate reference to the reference similarity in all their programs. Verily, he shall enliven the holy Prophets’ sunnah and shall awaken the nations by virtue of the lofty teachings of the Quran. [2] 

Understanding the limitless horizons of His Divine mission
His mission is not restricted to any nation, sect, group or people of a particular ethnicity…you have to think above the level of cast, color, creed, country, gender, age or any other difference, Think at the level of Humanity, may be this is the reason we have been told to recite these words in his ziyarat “Assalamo alika ya Imam al-insaay-wal-jaan”
This understanding is very important, we have to break the shell of “self” and open our thinking horizons. His message of Justice and peace is for whole mankind, rather for all the creatures of Almighty!
Justice the focal point
When he will rise, he shall rule on the basis of justice. Oppression and tyranny would be destroyed during his era; the roads and highways would turn safe and secure due to him; the land would manifest its bounties and every right would be restored to its true owners. He would judge amongst the people just like the way Davoud and the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) did so. The land would throw out its treasures and manifest its bounties to such extent that nobody will find any poor to offer them charity as all the believers would turn needless.
Materialistic poverty, the major global calamity and the mother of all corruption in all times and ages, arises mainly due to cultural poverty. Until the human culture and beliefs is made rich, the materialistic needs of the people cannot be fulfilled. He shall train the humans in such manner that there would remain no poor and deprived one on earth. [2]

Islam the ultimate success 
As described in Quran 
He it is Who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth, that He might cause it to prevail over all religions, though the polytheists may be averse. [3]
Message and mission of Imam Mahdi (atfs) is Islam. Ground setting education actually revolves around it. As we discussed the words of Ayatollah Ibrahim Ameeni about ground setting, preparing the people’s mind to understand what Islam holds for them. This realization that Islam is actually the ultimate success is the body and soul of ground setting education. All prophets and their successors worked for this message. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H & HF) and his holy household sacrificed everything to preserve and propagate this message. All the contributions and sacrifices will not be wasted and go in vain. The world will witness the success of this divine message through the hands of Al-Muntazar. For whom era prophets and angels awaited. The one, who is the everlasting hope for mankind. Alamein (all worlds) awaits him!!!

But as it is said “A goal without a plan is just a wish” we seriously have to look for strategies and approaches to implement the plan. 

Strategies and approaches of ground-setting education in cultural institutions (university and seminary)
Extensive Research approach
During the higher education in universities and religious seminaries, research proves to play a pivotal role. A university is recognized with the level of research it produces. Research is the key element of success for opening new portals. Research is the key to quest for truth. It is the light leading towards success. This is not just important for the science and technology fields. But research in the Quran and Hadith resources is equally important. This approach remains to be the leading as ground setting education strategy in universities and seminaries.  If the attitude of religious scholars was of extensive unbiased research, Muslims would have a conflict in very few matters. 
We require extensive unbiased research based approach in our universities and seminaries, along-with the willingness to accept our short-comings and false fabricated traditions and incidents, regardless of to which field it belongs. 
This approach is much needed when comes the topic of Imam of Time, his reasons of occultation, signs of his reappearance and responsibilities of followers towards him. There are many misconceptions which need to be cleared. This can only be solved by extensive research approach. Our universities need to focus on motivating and providing important resources to scholars and students. Need of the hour is to break the copy pasting approach and replace it with producing something creative and original. We need to get involved in innovation rather than reproducing something again and again. 
Research on duas, ziyarat relating to Imam of Time is extremely important. Each and every word of these duas and ziyarat has a deep meaning and this will help us increase our marafat, knowing his mission and action plan. May be this is the reason we have been instructed and insisted to keep praying these duas and Ziyarats. 
Logical approach
Logic, rationality and wisdom are the key traits which make the human superior over all beings.  Wisdom will be the armor of Imam Mahdi (atfs)
Imam Ali ibne-Abi-Talib (as) says about Imam Mahdi (atfs)
“He will be wearing the armour of wisdom, which he will have secured with all its conditions, such as full attention towards it, its (complete) knowledge and exclusive devotion to it. For him it is like a thing which he had lost and which he was then seeking, or a need which he was trying to fulfill. If Islam is in trouble he will feel forlorn like a traveller and like a (tired) camel beating the end of its tail and with its neck flattened on the ground. He is the last of Allah's proofs and one of the vicegerents of His prophets.”  [4]
Words of Shaheed Muttahari about using the logic and Wisdom will serve the purpose of explaining that how important this approach is:
“Propagation of every message is not difficult. One of the types of propagation is related only to the physical senses. This is a relatively easy task. It is quite easy to propagate to eyes and ears. But the message that prophets propagate, is their responsibility merely to deliver the message to people’s eyes and ears? No! Above that they work to deliver the divine message to the people’s intellect and wisdom. Seeing something from eyes is not a proof that intellect will also accept it. The thing which delivers the message to the intellect is not a picture, shape or writing. That is something else. Intellect accepts the message only through one door and that is logic. This is according to the Quran that our intellect accepts or rejects anything only through logic.” [5]
“Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance.” [6]

Prophets have always been involved in propagating the message which people’s wisdom accepts. We need to get logical, rational and reasonable in our education. For example If humanity understands that the economic implications which are governed by the Islam are in the benefit of their own self ant society at large, they’ll be more willing to apply it. This is actually what prophets tried, to remove the barriers of nafsani desires and slavery and make them realize that these divine teachings are in their own benefits. 
Why we have been asked to ponder over God’s commandments? Why Bibi Zahra (sa) explains the philosophies of sharia in her Fidak Sermon? Why a moment of deep thinking is more worthy in the eyes of God than years spent in his worship. 
It is summarized in one ayat “La ikraha fid-deen”. Man is not a creature who will be inclined to do something by force. He can only be moulded and changed by knocking at his wisdom! Logic and reason are certainly the powerful bells towards which this wisdom door replies! 
Islam is not an irrational religion, logical approach in our textbooks, discussions and practical applications is very important as a ground-setting educational strategy.
Specialization approach
As we have discussed earlier with regards to words of Ayatollah Ibrahim Ameeni that Muslims need to excel in every field and be the leaders and torch bearers of Islam in every walk of life. This certainly doesn’t require jack of all trades and Master of none. We need experts be it Jurisprudence, History, Ethics, Philosophy, Medicine, Law, Technology Astronomy, Nuclear Energy, social sciences or media to solve the problems of humanity and providing an independent resource center for solutions. Imam of the time requires supporters in every field. Thus our education should focus on providing expertise in relevant field of study.

Defensive approach
Today Islam is attacked in every part of the world. This attack is not just in the form of constant political instability in Muslim countries but the ideology of Islam is also attacked through various mediums. Tagging the Islamic teachings as rigid, followers as extremists, laws as outdated, values as absurd through movies, articles, news and portraying the most irrational and stupid people as picture of Muslims is part of propaganda against Islam. 
We need an approach in our ground-setting education that trains individuals which are capable of eloquently answering the questions which are bombard on Islam and Practicing Muslims daily and thus defending this constant attack. 
Interfaith approach
Dialogue and discussion are the best source for bridging the gap between individuals, communities and of course religions. This is an era of communication and remaining in isolation is not an option. Interfaith discussions play a vital role in removing misconceptions as well as broadcasting the global massage of Imam-Al-Mahdi (a.t.f.s.)
Problems like discrimination among cultures and religions and the dangerous thinking that only we are right can also be solved through this approach.
Applied approach and skill development 
We should be involved in knowledge that is useful and that is for the benefit of mankind. While involved in any field, the teacher, student and institution should be aware of the applications and practicality of the education. Education is not just about getting a degree but also about the skills we develop. Applied aspects should be enhanced in student’s mind so that after spending time and resources in their education they are clear and focused in implementing what they have learned. They know what they are going to do? How they are going to do? And above all why they are doing it?
Reappearance of Imam of is a promise of God, which has to happen but people need to be trained that how can we contribute to paving his way and playing our particular role in ground setting.
Islam is merely not a composition of laws of halal and haram. The essence of this divine religion lies in spiritual uplifting of man’s spirit and providing the eternal success to the mankind which can be summarized as “nearness to Almighty”. Scientific advancements and technologies have been failed to answer the spiritual hunger of man. Spirituality that Islam holds is overwhelming. It would not be incorrect if I say that majority of converts in westerns countries get inclined towards Islam because of this aspect. We can never overlook its importance. Our education system and curriculum should be helping us in achieving high spirituality and moral values. It should be reviving our souls. If it is not, then it is definitely not a successful one. 
Jurisprudence and practical implications of Islamic principles 
Jurisprudence is the management of a person’s life. It is the jurisprudent principles that make the laws and the principles of Islam to be implemented practically. Through the medium of sharia we see laws applied from books to practice. Research in this field and experts answering people queries and making the Islamic principles practically applied in every field remains to be top most need.
Political Awakening 
Things are constantly and rapidly changing particularly in politics and international relations. No matter we give it due importance or not but these fields affect each one of us. We all are connected and cannot detach ourselves from international scenarios. Thus to be politically aware is an important approach. We live in a world where the shrines of Ahlulbayt and lovers of Ahlulbayt are attacked and tried to being demolished. Can we afford to live in oblivion in this age? 
Strategies and approaches of ground-setting education in schools
Psychology of children and youngsters 
Schools are responsible for imparting education to the future of a society. Children and youngsters are very sensitive to what they receive. Their minds are more likely to accept things as compared to the people of old age. Psychology of children should be kept in mind while imparting any education to them.
Simplified approach
All the key points which have been discussed in what is included in ground-setting education, these should be imparted at school level but obviously at a very basic level and with a very simplified approach. It would be good if they develop a base for ground-setting education. It would be easier to build diverse knowledge on this solid foundation.
Attractive and interesting content
Youngsters are very good observers with sharp and developing reflexes; they are very responsive towards interesting content and happenings around them. The educational content has to be very attractive. Not only to gain the interest at first place but also to be easily absorbed by these youngsters.
Instilling Love of Imam
The ideals we develop in our young age, fascinate us a lot. These ideals play an important role in building our future role models. Portraying the Imam of Time as the ideal of children and the time after his reappearance could be best dream for these fresh minds. This might serve as the future prospectus and helping the Imam of time might become the purpose of life of these young ones! Thus instilling the love of Imam to our future generation is a very essential approach.
Strategies and approaches of ground-setting education and training in the media
Whether it is electronic or print media, it serves as a powerful tool for the education of masses. Some of the strategies are discussed with respect to media but it is noteworthy to mention that some of the approaches described above with respect to the seminaries and schools need to be applied in media field as well but obviously keeping in mind the media perspective. 
Distant Learning Strategy
Basic understanding of Religion is somewhat important to every Muslim, but not everyone can leave the home, job or family and go for Seminary (Hawza) studies, thus distant learning can be good alternative for people thirsty for knowledge. 
Short online courses about Mahdism Doctrine can prove to be pivotal in removing misconceptions and enhancing general public knowledge particularly for those who are not a regular student in seminaries or live in western countries.
Resource Development Strategy
Online resources need to be developed and organized at massive scales. These are freely accessible at any time and location to everyone. Religious and educational TV and radio channels broadcasting the message to general people, E-books, discussion forums and multimedia libraries are some of the resource centers that can serve the purpose.
Poetry as a medium
As quoted by Kenneth Branagh “In the hands of a great poet, words have ways of affecting us in ways we don't understand.” 
Poetry is a very powerful medium. Poems written and recited about Imam of the time, his mission, his loneliness and time after his reappearance can serve as very motivating for people to work for ground-setting. Such poetry touches our souls, it keeps echoing in our minds and it enlightens our hearts! Such poetry publications should be given due importance at government level. Such revolutionary poets should be encouraged.
Social Media
No one can deny the role of social media in today’s age. It has provided us unique platform for communicating and sharing our views around the globe. We have seen that social media has played a great role in Arab Spring and in initiating the wave of political awakening in the Middle-east. The face of this awakening would have been totally different without social media, or maybe it would not be as influential and wide-spreading as it is. We can use this tool for sharing knowledge, resources, and announcements and as feedback tools for our media work.
Movies a powerful tool
Westerns powers are increasingly using this medium for propaganda against Muslims, Islam and particularly the Islamic revolution and government of Iran. Why we have left this field of battle? We have been focused on making historical movies, which in itself is important, yet we should not overlook the importance of this medium for spreading the true message of Islam worldwide. Making the movies/documentaries about revolution, current situation in Muslim countries and how terrorism affecting the Muslim world can serve as a powerful tool in removing misconceptions and representing our point of view to general public.
Co-ordinated approach
We do have many resources available in the media already, but there is a lack of communication and co-ordination. Many people working on the same thing (without knowing) and reproducing the same thing again and again is not going to serve the purpose. Until and unless these people co-ordinate and work in the form of organizations with role of every individual defined specifically we are not going to have a master piece. If working in the form of organization is not possible, still they have to coordinate with each other ensuring that work of every individual is a unique contribution which has its own importance. 
Extensive Translation Strategy
Most of the religious authentic and traditional books are written in Persian and Arabic. Translation of such books/videos of scholarly lectures in other widely spoken languages of the world is much needed to spread the global divine mission of Imam-Al-Mahdi (atfs) 
Sharing at grass root level
There are many good online resources already present, but not everyone knows about it. There could be a central station website for collecting, organizing and guiding people about the online resources available, consequently ensuring that resources are being shared at the grass root level.
Feedback Strategy
Success of your work in media is judged by the feedback. One sided media work without understanding the needs and concerns of end user is not a good approach. Thus due importance should be given to a responsive and concerned feedback strategy in both print and electronic media. 
These are some of the strategies and approaches I have tried to highlight with respect to the ground-setting education. These need to be implemented if not present and/or improved if present. I would like to conclude this discussion with this verse of Quran
 "Surely Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change their own condition;" (13:11) 

Last but not the least; I would like to end my article with some of my lines, not only to end it with a poetic rhyme but also to highlight the power the media possess. Since I wrote it after getting inspire from a TV show on a religious channel.

O! Yousaf-e-Zehra al-ajal O! My Maula al ajal
My eyes so desperate for your sight
My ears so eager for your voice
O! Fragrance of Fatima (as) al-ajal
O! Yousaf-e-Zehra al-ajal O! My Maula al ajal

My heart skips a beat when hear your name
My eyes shed tears when I am alone
O! My dua-e-Nudba al-ajal!
O! Yousaf-e-Zehra al-ajal O! My Maula al ajal

Come my Hadi before my faith is shaken
Protect me Master before I am broken
O! Master of the Era al-ajal
O! Yousaf-e-Zehra al-ajal O! My Maula al ajal

O! My Lord make my heart pure
O! Xehra Love of Mahdi (atfs) is the Cure
O! Son of Taha al-ajal!
O! Yousaf-e-Zehra al-ajal O! Our Maula al ajal

[1] Al-Imam Al-Mahdi The Just Leader of Humanity Author: Ayatollah Ibrahim Amini Translated by Dr. Abdulaziz Sachedina Page no. 188

[2] Vanguard of Light Author: Ayatollah Nasir Makarim-Al-Shirazi . translated by Jalil Dorrani Page no. 7 and 13 respectively

[3] Surah al-tawba 9, ayat 33

[4] Nahajul Balagha (Peak of Eloquence) Sermon no 182 Retrieved on 10th May, 2013 

[5] Seerat-e-Nabavi aik mutalaa by Shaheed Murtaza Muttahari page no 175-176 (The book was in Urdu language, I have translated the extract which was required)

[6] Quran Surah Nahl 16, Ayat 125

Friday, June 21, 2019

ہدیہ بحضور مشکل کشائے دوراں

رستے پہ جانے کب سے نظر ہے جمی ہوئی
چومے قدم امامؑ کے یوں ہے بچھی ہوئی

کیسے وجود پردہ غیبت ہو آشکار
ذہنوں پہ ہے غبار کی چلمن پڑی ہوئی

انکو سنائوں کیا میں مصائب کی داستاں
ہر آن کی خبر ہے انھیں جب ملی ہوئی

سردار جناں ساقی کوثر ہیں وہ مگر
نان جویں غذا ہے تو جوتی پھٹی ہوئی

آ جائیں تو راوں ہو رگ جاں میں زندگی
ہجر امام یعنی کہ دھڑکن رکی ہوئی

بعد ظہور نور امامت ہر اک زمیں 
کرنوں سے آسماں تلک ہے جڑی ہوئی

منظر کا حسن آنکھ سے دل میں اتر گیا
مولاؑ کے احترام میں ہر شے جھکی ہوئی

مایوسیوں کا اثر بھلا پھر کہاں پہ ہو
یاد امام دل سے اگر ہو لگی ہوئی

زہرا جو دل تیرا ہے حضور امام میں
خوشبو تیرے کلام میں یوں ہے بسی ہوئی

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Mausoleums in Tehran

mausoleum of Imam Khomeini

it was under construction.. back in 2012 

Loved the text written

shrine of Shah Abdul Azim Hasni