Monday, June 10, 2019

Son of Taha! Al-Ajal!

O! Yousaf-e-Zehra al-ajal O! My Maula al ajal
My eyes so desperate for your sight
My ears so eager for your voice
O! Fragrance of Fatima (as) al-ajal
O! Yousaf-e-Zehra al-ajal O! My Maula al ajal

My heart skips a beat when hear your name
My eyes shed tears when I am alone
O! My dua-e-Nudba al-ajal!
O! Yousaf-e-Zehra al-ajal O! My Maula al ajal

Come my Hadi before my faith is shaken
Protect me Master before I am broken
O! Master of the Era al-ajal
O! Yousaf-e-Zehra al-ajal O! My Maula al ajal

O! My Lord make my heart pure
O! Xehra Love of Mahdi (atfs) is the Cure
O! Son of Taha al-ajal!
O! Yousaf-e-Zehra al-ajal O! Our Maula al ajal

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