Monday, June 10, 2019

Qom the peaceful land

There is a strange kind of peace in Qom that I experienced, which I cannot describe in words! I don't know the atmosphere around the whole city, i just knew one soul was"at peace" probably because Qom, the place of refuge for the children of Hadrath Fatima Zahra (SA). 

Imam Jafir Sadiq (AS) has stated: 

"Whenever hardship, pain and calamity befall on you, go to Qom! because it is the place of refuge for the children of Fatimah (SA) and safe heaven for the faithful" (Bihaar al-anwar vol. 60, p. 215)

Took these images from rooftop of hotel

Door to heaven!

shops near haram have delicious sweets and original stones like Aqiq, Feroza etc

Madrissa-e-Faizia; a place from where revolution started

I wanted to go inside, but i was told women are not allowed to go inside!

Restaurant where we stayed, it was very near to haram, so i used to go to haram anytime! Night supplications at haram of Bibi Masooma Qom (SA) makes you realize the meaning of tranquility. 

A typical Pakistani majlis organized in one of the halls inside haram

Wheelchair bound people coming for ziyarat inspire so much!

Bait-e-Noor; A place where Bibi Masooma (SA) used to go for worship


House of Imam Khomeini 

The man who changed the world lived in this simple house!

You find such kind of centers for answering questions everywhere! I believe one of the reasons of excellence of Iranian nation is that they have adopted jurisprudence and follow the rules thus making their lives much easier!

Grave of Ayatollah Muhammad Hussain Tabatabei

Grave of Ayatollah Taqi Behjat

Pictures of the martyrs

Shrines of Imam Zadeh

Shrine of Imam Zadeh, Ahmed Bin Qasim

Imam Zadeh Sultan Muhammad Sharif

Shrine of Imam Zadeh Musa Mubaraqah

 They looked so cute! So i asked them for a photo :)


Masjid-e-Jamkaran on wednesday night

Madrissa Bintul Huda Qom

Found it written over a vehicle, couldn't resist myself from taking the picture

This picture speaks a thousand words!

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