Monday, June 10, 2019

The Love of the Ahlulbayt (AS)


Among all the beautiful blessings of Allah (swt), blessings which are countless rather beyond our imagination .one blessing for which we can never thank almighty. To be honest we don’t realize it the way it needs to be realized! And the blessing is that Allah bestowed us with, THE LOVE OF AHLULBAYT (AS)

Many of us who inherited it in our genes and blood, some of us who acquired it as they got an inspiration, since Allah (swt) guided them this way
Just think for a second …try to realize this blessing…this greatest gift of Allah. Can you imagine a life without it? What remains in life then …?                                                                 

Love of Ahlulbayt (as), no matter at what intensity you can feel it…but believe this is the spirit breathing inside us. This is the beauty of our soul and our body as well. Take out some time to ponder…some time to feel…some time to realize…try to feel the Love of Ahlulbayt (as) in your soul. Your heart will start beating faster…try to recall when you wept for Ahlulbayt (as) last time in a majlis of Imam Hussain (as)…remember the last nasheed you praised which was written in the love of Ahlulbayt (as) …remember the last time you did tawassul with Ahlulbayt (as) in your dua…when you were feeling so distressed and dejected… Recall those precious moments and don’t forget to put your forehead on earth in front of Almighty who gifted you this…All praises for him…we can never ever thank him for this…

But what we can do is to develop this love more and more in ourselves…we can make it our biggest strength…A strength which can help us overcoming all difficulties we come across and all challenges we can face…If this (love of Ahlulbayt as) noor (light) is there in our hearts it will brighten our soul inshaAllah

Whenever there is a time in your life when you want to act on religion…when you want to follow the commands of Allah…and when you find standing alone on the side of sea …not only alone but society trying to pull you back…trying you to be a part of them…mix with them in a way they like…use your bestest blessing of Allah as your weapon Love of Ahlulbayt (as) just remember one thing, being acting on your religion you are becoming a reason of the smile of Ahlulbayt (as) …a source of happiness for the Imam of Time …(may Allah hasten his reappearance) and believe it or not …you’ll experience the feeling which can only be felt words can’t describe it…. and what else you want …other than satisfaction ??

As we understand how beautiful this love is…how important it is…how essential it is to keep it nurturing in our hearts…we should always look for ways that can elevate it in ourselves…we can find a lot of lectures of renowned speakers or books of very intellectual writers for this...and we should always find, follow & share that…some points I would like to make in this regard are;

1.always thank Allah (swt) for this blessing …in whatever way you like…but do thank Him for this…it could be a sajda after ever wajib prayer…a tasbee of salawat for Ahlulbayt (as) …a two rakat prayer…a help to a needy with the intention of thankfulness for this blessing …it could be any small little act of worship …but be thankful from the core of your heart …and it is Allah’s promise in Quran

وَإِذْ تَأَذَّنَ رَبُّكُمْ لَئِنْ شَكَرْتُمْ لَأَزِيدَنَّكُمْ ۖ وَلَئِنْ كَفَرْتُمْ إِنَّ عَذَابِي لَشَدِيدٌ
 [Shakir 14:7] And when your Lord made it known: If you are grateful, I would certainly give to you more, and if you are ungrateful, My chastisement is truly severe.
[Pickthal 14:7] And when your Lord proclaimed: If ye give thanks, I will give you more; but if ye are thankless, lo! My punishment is dire.
[Yusufali 14:7] And remember! your Lord caused to be declared (publicly): "If ye are grateful, I will add more (favours) unto you; But if ye show ingratitude, truly My punishment is terrible indeed."

2. Do tawassul with Ahlulbayt (as) in your prayers…with the firm belief of acceptance of your dua…always remember they never returned back any beggar empty handed from their doors…

3. Try to know more about Ahlulbayt (as) Maraafat develops love…know more of their fazaails …their morality … Noor of Ahlulbayt (as) has all the powerful rays…which will never let you unless you have developed the pure attachment with them

4. try to know more about their love for their shias…it is soooooo important ….the time you discover how much they care for you…how much they pray for you…how much they love you…you’ll automatically fall in love with them (although we can never realize it but we have to strive till the limit of our capacities) 

5. Share your love!!!
As we said this is the bestest blessing of Allah and we will be questioned for every blessing hereafter …this hold a huge responsibility on all of us…when we are benefiting from this gift as we look around we can see many people who due to one reason or other have not been able to realize this blessing …who are lacking this love…imagine how empty they are? How badly their hearts need this love…the love which can make their soul peaceful…our fellow human beings on this earth are restless…they are not as fortunate as we are so…When we have any wealth how many different ways we have been taught to share it with the needy people…khums…zakat…sadqa…khayrat …etc
Why don’t we feel that this beautiful wealth needs to be shared…
So I feel we strongly need to share Love of Ahlulbayt (as) …don’t impose your aqaaids or beliefs on others…share the love…love has all its power…a power that can never be defeated …as it is said LOVE CONQURES ALL !!!
We have been mistaken in a way that whenever we talk or portray ourselves among our sunni brothers and sisters or non-Mulims we start debating …start arguing on differences…try to prove that they are wrong and we are so right…how many times we have tried to share our love? We seriously need to work on it…
Gift them a dua from Holy Household…show them a sermon of Ameer-ul-momineen (as) share it in a way that is not imposing anything on anyone…and by the way whenever you are in love it shines in your eyes its fragrance can be felt in your breath …it reflects in your character…so we need to build our character the way Ahlulbayt (as) want from us! 

May Allah (swt) bless us all and give us strength to follow the path of Ahlulbayt (as) May love of Ahlulbayt (as) keep nurturing in our hearts and souls and may we be ready to sacrifice everything for this love when our Imam (atfs) reappears! inshaAllah 


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